
My Dotfiles

The repo with my actual dotfiles can be found here, this is just an article to serve as motivation for that repo. In fact, the contents of this article might become outdated, and I don't guarantee I'll be keeping it up-to-date till the end of time.

These are the usual reasons people mention as motivation to migrating to the Linux ecosystem:

Those are all good reasons, but they were not what cut it for me actually. Quite frankly, I think the usual lists and blog posts on the topic are missing one giant ingredient that could change everyone's view of the operating system wars: Linux is at its core a text-based OS.

Before I get hatemail from hardcore users saying I'm wrong , let me explain what I mean. Linux-based distros — even the ones leaning more heavily on the GUI side, like Ubuntu and Mint — can all be customized to their core with text-based configurations, simple files with plain text. That makes managing your system much more reproducible and manageable. In more mainstream OSs, such as Windows and MacOS, the standard way is through GUIs, which makes it harder to customize and remember your configurations, even though, I do admit, it can be much easier in the short run.

As a result, most Linux power users end up being able to centralize their files into the typically known as dotfiles repos. This makes sharing configurations with others much easier, not to mention that, if you're managing multiple machines, you can potentially configure them all with the same file/commands.

Having a text-based OS is also very important due to its efficiency: you can go through your day using basically only the keyboard. Granted that you know how to touch-type, there will also be way less stress on your hands and arms.

My current distro is Artix, a subdistro stemming from Arch Linux, without Systemd. You can also check out my hardware in the README of my dotfiles repo, which I previously mentioned above.

The most important components of my setup are:

The whole setup took me almost a semester — and 300+ commits; and a whole lot of other people's tutorials and videos — to solidify, as I discovered new tools created in the last years. Hopefully, this article and the above-mentioned repo will help you cut through the time I've invested.

Some other important elements that serve as a complement to some of the holes you're still gonna need to fill in order to be a productive member of society are:

Most of what helped me get to this point in the setup comes either from direct documentation from the tools and repos I mentioned, or some few selected YouTube channels, with tutorials. Here are the most valuable YouTube channels — most of them are also available on Odysee — so far: